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Get The Facts For a Greener Future

Discover how Ontario can have a net-zero electricity system

Solving the climate crisis is humanity’s greatest challenge. The scale of the problem can feel overwhelming. While we have a lot of work to do, the good news is that we already have the solutions we need for Ontario to become a net-zero carbon emissions province. The key to our success is electricity. We must switch from using carbon-intensive fossil fuels for our vehicles, heating and heavy industrial activities to using electricity from zero emissions sources. Try the Energy Mixer to see what it will take to get to net-zero!

The Goal: Net Zero Carbon Emissions By 2050.

We Can Get There.

Discover how Ontario can achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 by comparing the energy mix currently planned for 2042 to the one we will need to make net zero carbon emissions into reality.

Click Current Mix to see the Ontario government's planned energy mix in 2042 or Target Mix for an example of what the energy mix would be to reach net-zero carbon emissions. Then adjust the sliders to try your own supply mix from Ontario’s main sources of electricity: nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, and gas.

See if you can create an optimal mix by generating enough low-carbon energy to keep both the Emissions and Total Electricity bars in the green zones! Explore the Energy Mixer and then share it with friends, family, and followers.

How does the mixer work?
The Ontario Energy Mixer is based on models produced by the Independent Electricity System Operator's Pathways to Decarbonization report. The Mixer is a simplified model that shows how much energy Ontario will need in the future, the most likely and significant sources of energy, and the impact each source of energy will have on the province's carbon footprint.
Emissions in 2050
Total Electricity (TWh)
Emissions in 2050
Total Electricity
Description goes here.

Discover how Ontario can achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 by comparing the status quo energy mix to the one we will need to make net zero into reality.

Adjust the sliders to try your own mix. You can also click Current Mix to see the Ontario government's planned energy mix in 2042 or Target Mix for an example of what the energy mix would be to reach net-zero carbon emissions.

What you learn might surprise you! Explore the Energy Mixer and share with friends, followers, and family.

How does the mixer work?
The Ontario Energy Mixer is based on models produced by the Independent Electricity System Operator's Pathways to Decarbonization report. The Mixer is a simplified model that shows how much energy Ontario will need in the future, the most likely and significant sources of energy, and the impact each source of energy will have on the province's carbon footprint.

Where Myths Go to Get Busted

There is so much misinformation out there on climate solutions. It can be overwhelming. The wrong climate solutions may lead to climate catastrophe or blackouts. As the professionals who generate, transmit, and regulate electricity in Ontario, we know what will actually work to get us to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Come learn with us and share what you find helpful on social!


The path to net-zero emissions continues to evolve with new policies from local, provincial and federal governments, new research from academics, think tanks and stakeholders, and progress from industry as new and improved technologies come to market. The News section will highlight advances that impact the conversation on how to reach net-zero in Ontario.